Beschreibungen zu den Veranstaltungen:
March 13, 2013 Lecture on "General information about Asperger's Syndrome" in the Zinsholz Center with the support of the IKEROS office in Ostfildern.
November 13th and December 9th, 2013 Lecture on "With Asperger's Syndrome at School" together with a specialist who is very familiar with autism; in the Zinsholz center with the support of the IKEROS office in Ostfildern.
On December 10, 2013, the report titled “Between Aspie and NT World” (about me) was published in the Esslinger Zeitung.
March 27, 2014 Lecture titled "With Asperger's Syndrome in Kindergarten" together with a specialist who is very familiar with autism; in the Zinsholz center with the support of the IKEROS office in Ostfildern.
Workshop on “Communication and Perception” in the Zinsholz Center
October 31st, Lecture on “Autism in Everyday Life” autumn camp by Autism Stuttgart e.V.
November 11, 2014, Lecture on “Autism at work” in the VHS Nellingen
February 7, 2015, short lecture and self-experience offered at the BleibGesundCamp VHS Esslingen
April 16, 2015, School lecture at the VHS <(adult education center) Nellingen
May 6th, 2015, Lecture with self-awareness exercises on the topic of “Perception and Leisure” at Zehntscheuer Deizisau.
Since 2015, further lectures in the aduld education centers of Nellingen and Esslingen.
Seminars for Voluntary social work members of Lebenshilfe on the topic of autism
2019 Lecture at the Neurofeedback user meeting