Beschreibungen zu den Veranstaltungen:
Here, too, you should be considerate of your environment and especially of your fellow human beings.
Many people will now be wondering why I, as an autistic person, am addressing this topic even though it is clear that autistic people don’t understand jokes and can’t handle them.
Not even close! Many autistic people have their own form of humor, more or less, and can also understand and tell jokes. The only question is in what form.
Many autistic people jokes are based on facts or puns. Many people don’t know that jokes can come about if you simply observe your fellow human beings more closely and think about the sense and nonsense of normal human behavior. The language in particular has a lot to offer.
What is always worthwhile is to listen closely to what other people say all day long. Most people say things in everyday life that, taken literally, make no sense and expect the other person to know what they mean.
“Putting an electrical device in water is not only stupid but also quite dangerous. People who know this formulation know that the water comes from the spirit level and that it’s just a matter of setting the device straight.”
Why do some desperate and stressed people say they want to shoot themselves? When put into practice, in most cases this results in nothing more and nothing less than a huge mess and even more work, as you may then have to organize a funeral.